
Rua means: two

Today the Daily Reo Maori Slackbot decided not to say anything, so I’m referring to the kupu.maori.nz Kupu o re Rā which is why we’re joining them part way through giving a number per day.

There are a few ways to talk about numbers. It’s nice to use rua for this, because as mentioned in an earlier post, tahi follows some unique rules. The handling of rua is consistent for the numbers 2-9.

If you want to ask simply questions about numbers, you can use a construction mentioned in the shopkeeper dialogue from the post about ‘hoko’:

When you want to talk about ordinals (first, second, third, etc.) you can either prepose the definite article ‘te’ or you can prefix the word with ‘tua’:

If you are counting people using the numbers 2-9, you have to prefix the number with “toko” rather than introducing the number using ‘e’:

You can prefix numerals with ‘taki-‘ to refer to pairs, trios, etc.

You can also use the interrogative hia (also mentioned in the post about ‘hoko’ above) as part of some of these words: