
Huritau means: Birthday, Anniversary.

I really like the kupu huritau, because you get the gist of what it’s about from its components “huri” (to turn, go around) and “tau” (year) giving a really nice vibe of the turning of the years. As a noun it can mean “anniversary” or “birthday” but it can also be used as a modifer to mean something that recurs annually, as in the Te Aka example sentence:

This is a nice long sentence to wrap up the phrase breakdown exercise I was doing over the weekend. This sentence is made up of the following phrases (with nucleus and peripheries separated):

Because it was a busy weekend of these, I haven’t broken down each phrase in too much detail, but just highlighted the key bases in each and the meaning of the particle can be inferred from the full sentence.

Then I’ll repeat that exercise to illustrate how each phrase builds on the earlier ones.