
Horoi means: To wash, clean.

For today’s revision I’m going to refer back to the concept of a ‘phrase’ in te reo Māori. This was mentioned in a couple of earlier posts, one introducing the concept and the other breaking down a multi-phrase sentence into smaller components.

Māori sentences are made up of different types of phrase, which can broadly be broken up on verb phrases, noun phrases and prepositional phrases. Verb phrases commonly beging with a verbal particle (specifying the tense, aspect or mood of the phrase). Noun phrases begin with a determiner (is this “the apple”, “that apple”, “an apple”, etc.). Prepositional phrases are any phrases which begin with a preposition, which includes most comments. I’m going to go through a variety of different sentence constructions and highlight the phrases in each.

Beginning with identity sentences using the preposition “ko”.