
Āritarita means: Excited.

Similar to yesterday’s word, āritarita seems to be another example of reduplication. Ārita is a stative verb for “be irascible, quick-tempered, easily offended, short-tempered, irritable, grumpy, touchy”. I spent some time looking into whether reduplication of a stative changes it into a different type of verb and while I didn’t come to a clear answer yet, it’s good opportunity to revise the types of verbs.

Tūmahi Whiti are Transitive Verbs. These are verbs describing an activity which is performed by one person or thing (the doer, agent, kaimahi or kaikawe) and act upon another (the undergoer or patient). For example, the verb whakaako (teach) requires both a teacher and someone being taught.

Tūmahi Hāngu are Passive Verbs. These are the form transitive verbs taken in a passive sentence and are contrasted with Tūmahi Hāoho which are active verbs. For example, whakaakotia is the passive form of the verb ‘teach’, its active form ‘whakaako’ is mentioned above.

Tūmahi Poro are Intransitive Verbs. These are verbs describing an activity which the doer/agent can do on their own. For example the verbs tū (stand) or noho (sit) don’t require anyone else to be involved.

Tūmahi Wheako are Experience Verbs. These are verbs which can function similarly to transitive verbs in that they describe an activity between two entities, but the activity doesn’t actually affect a “patient”. These typically describe experiences, so these sentences have an “experiencer” and a source of the experience. For example, the verb kite (see) can describe the person doing the seeing and the thing being seen, but it doesn’t affect the thing being seen.

Tūmahi Oti are Neuter Verbs. These also sometimes called Tūmahi Āhua or Stative Verbs. Often these two terms are used interchangeably but some more academic approaches to grammar do separate them. These describe the state of something instead of an activity. For example, the verb pakaru (broken) describes the state that something is in (usually as the result of a particular action).