
Hiakai means: Hungry.

I had a little spiel the other day about the prefix ‘hia-‘ so I’ll instead use today’s word as a prompt to expand on that and talk about ‘hiahia’ which is the verb for ‘to desire/want/wish for’.

This looks to me like an example of reduplication (I’m not going to post a disclaimer on every post, but I’ll periodically mention that I’m a relative beginner with te reo Māori, so don’t take this as 100% fact, this is just part of my study).

Reduplication is a feature that Māori makes a lot of use of, where a new word is derived from repeating part or the whole of another word. This can be done for a variety of purposes and often changes the meaning. Some of the uses of reduplication include:

There are lots of other uses of reduplication with slightly different meanings, but the most common are plurality, intensification and weakening.